After reading both, “The Frog King” and “Cupid and Psyche”, in my opinion, they are vaguely similar to each other. “The Frog King”is all about a princess dropping her golden ball down a well and making a deal with a frog to get it. The princess promises the frog marriage and a chance to live in the castle, to eat at the table with her, and to share a bed at night. In return the talking frog retrieves the ball, but the princess, with no intentions of keeping her promises, laughs in his face and takes off back to the castle. Later on at the castle, the frog shows up at the door, demanding that he keep her promises. Luckily for him, her father scolded the princess for not keeping her promises and welcomes the frog in to their home for dinner. Disgusted at the frog’s appearance, the princess obeyed her father and brought him to her bed. The princess chucked the frog into the wall and he instantly turned turned into a charming prince. She was set to marry this prince immediately. The next morning Heinrich arrived in a carriage to escort them back to the castle, bursting with joy, the iron bands around his heart broke three times, for he was so happy his master was safe.
“Cupid and Psyche”, are completely different in comparison. Psyche is a mortal who is beyond beautiful and makes Venus, a god, jealous of her beauty. Because of this, Venus sends her son Cupid to sabotage Psyche, and make her fall in love with an undeserving man. Cupid messes up and accidentally falls in love with Psyche. She consulted the oracle of Apollo and received her fate and married a man who only came around at night, but gave Psyche all the riches she could dream. One day, she listened to her sisters and devised a plan for her to see his face. Distraught, Psyche’s punishment was to never see Cupid again. Psyche goes to Venus for help and forgiveness, but eventually, Cupid can’t stand to be apart from his wife. Psyche then becomes immortal so they can be together.
These stories are extremely different from one another. “The Frog Prince” is about keeping your promises, while “Cupid and Psyche” is about not giving in to temptations and curiosity.