In the fairytale, Cinderella, at the end of the story “They lived happily ever after”. This fairytale embodies the definition of a “rise tale”, meaning it follows the strict pattern of “rags to riches through magic and marriage”. Cinderella begins the tale poor and her life is full of hardships. Then, all of a sudden, she meets a prince and falls in love. They get married and live happily ever after with all the riches she could possibly imagine. Nobody questions this pattern, or deems it wrong, that a young maid can go from rags to riches because of a little magic and marriage. Nobody questions this logic because its a fairytale, but it's not very realistic.
In real life, it's not normal for someone to go from rags to riches, but its not entirely untrue. Rags to riches stories were popular at the turn of the century, enticing people to strike out on their own in hopes of making it rich but none of those stories involved magic or marriage, simply hard work. You can marry into money, or you can invest your money smartly, you can gamble and strike it rich, you can create a business or own a company that does well, or you can inherit money. Some of these options include marriage or family ties that can result in riches, while the other options involve smart decisions or just plain luck. None of these suggestions, however, include magic. Unlike fairytales, magic doesn’t exist in the real world. It's also not very realistic to go from rags to riches very easily through marriage either. Yes, its possible, but it seldom occurs.

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